The shareware version of Tasker32 has various limitations outlined in the file README.TXT. One mentioned is the restriction of distribution on compiled program and code that require this library. This restriction is a total ban. The author has no right to distribute the program that uses this code in any form whatsoever. In order to distibute final program the author must purchase the registered version. It is also illegal to alter the provided code in any way or change its form at all, and also illegal to distribute the files in this package if they are modified in any way. However, you may distribute the unaltered library with all its files in an unaltered way royalty free and not with any other product. The file TASK32.OBJ, TASK32.H, and all associated files are Copyright (c) 1996 by Guy Thornley. To register the program, send NZ$20 or US$10 to the address in README.TXT. Also send me an email message to say that you are registering the library. If you would like to recieve the program on floppy diskette, please state the type (720kB or 1.44MB only) and the return address and add another NZ$2 or US$1 onto the price. Otherwise receive the library by email. Do not forget to state it! Send a filled in printout of BUYIT.TXT with your purchase. When compiling the sample program, specify -DSHAREWARE on the command line otherwise it will fail to link correctly. =============================== PLEASE REGISTER =============================